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Forum diskusi

Date: 16/09/2020

By: Gabrielinede

Subject: Invest today and become the next millionaire

Sit in Bitcoin waves and get a guaranteed € 13,000 for exactly 24 hours

Learn more:

Listen to our members who rely on our software to fund their luxury lifestyle:

Magda Boltyanski
I finally know what it means to live a dream. I no longer feel aloof while others are having fun. The Bitcoin system allowed me to retire early and now lead the lives of very wealthy people.
Karl Edwards
I was fired two weeks ago. I had no choice and thought my life was over. Now I make € 13,261.42 every day and for the first time in two months my account is no longer in the red. Thanks STEVE!

Meet Steve McKay
The genius of the Bitcoin system. Hello
- I am a former software developer for a large firm, which I mention the name as a giveaway
I Compared to early investors in Uber, Facebook or Airbnb, this software is creating millionaires in record time. If you want to make a million with Bitcoin, watch the video above to see how. Your friend, Steve McKay

Jump to be the first:

Date: 09/10/2013

By: Rhey-V

Subject: Untuk yg buat web

pak kok domainnya ganti dong ..
masa masih pake subdomain ..
tanya rahardyan XI TKJ 2 2013/2014
dia tau tuh domain 220rb 10 tahun ,,
cari yg dong pak

Date: 18/10/2012

By: admin

Subject: info

Buat kalian yang mempunyai video menarik tentang karya guna silahkan di share disini.. terima kasih... Ditunggu kretifitasnya.. ^_^

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Email Guru

Email Guru-guru SMK Karya Guna

19/06/2012 15:53

Our Team

Dra. Sri Andarusmini, M.M

Kepala SMK Karya Guna Jakarta Phone: Email:

Drs. Tasripin

Wakabid Kurikulum Phone: Email:

Drs. Yayang Jamaludin, M.M

Wakabid Bimbingan Mental

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Visitors notice

19/06/2012 15:54
untuk para pengunjung selamat menikmati konten yang kami sediakan, NO SARA Oke!!!

Website launched

19/06/2012 15:53
Web sekolah kami ini baru dibuat pada 19 Juni 2012.. jadi harap maklum kalau konten nya masih minim.. ^_^